You are accused of forgery and impersonating an international arbitration consultant (the International Arbitration Commission warns against fraud)


You are accused of forgery and impersonating an international arbitration consultant (the International Arbitration Commission warns against fraud)

Unfortunately, some fraudulent companies and centers deceive students and trainees by selling cards bearing titles such as "His Excellency Arbitration Consultant" or "Diplomatic Relations Consultant." Sadly, all of these are fake cards and credentials with no basis in truth or accreditation from a reputable authority.

As a result, holders of these cards are exposed to legal issues, sometimes leading to forgery and identity theft charges.

Therefore, the International Arbitration Chamber always strives to protect its clients from falling victim to fraud.

On the other hand, some centers use the name of the International Arbitration Chamber to promote certain diplomas as if they are affiliated with the Chamber. Therefore, if you come across such advertisements, you must follow these steps to avoid falling victim to fraud in the name of the International Arbitration Chamber:

1. Make sure the source of the advertisement is the official page of the Chamber:

2. Verify the card samples and their accreditation sources because all International Arbitration Chamber cards have anti-counterfeiting watermarks.

3. Make sure all diplomas or training courses are available on the official website of the Chamber (one of the largest legal websites in the Arab world).

4. If you are interested in enrolling in any diploma, please visit the website or contact the media officials directly via:
[Contact information provided]

Or via WhatsApp: [WhatsApp contact provided]

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